Thursday, 29 September 2011

Perry miniatures continued...

Here's our man with most of the base colors blocked in. I leave the fleshy bits for last usually.

I'm not happy with the lighting.Things are looking alot bluer than they actually are. I'll have to ask Joe what he thinks the problem is. These were shot outside by the woodshed as usual but the day was overcast and gloomy.

Well I lost patience waiting for the weather to break and therefore better lighting for photos and painted farther along in the process than I had intended. It was supposed to be a step by step photo thing...but as you can see I skipped a few steps. I've already blocked in all the base colors applied a black wash and started the over painting namely the blue and white of the livery coat. Dry brushing of the pants has also been done.

So there you have it so far. I'll continue with the painting and try to post more often. BHS.

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