Sunday, 10 June 2012

Long time no blog.

Today I wrote a very large blog entry and then deleted it by mistake. Aaaargh! To boot this blogging tool/ app. Is not working well. So my confidence in making a successful entry is low. I'm a two finger typist and go very slowly so to delete the work at the end hurts. We ( the entire local wargaming society of four people) travelled to Vancouver in Marc h to attend the Trumpeters Salute convention. A small con. By international standards but we all had a great time. Played two Nap games using Black powder and then Shako rules, an ancients game using Armati, a Zulu game and then a ww2 game which we had to bow out of early to make it to the ferry on time. I only remembered to take pictures by the end of the convention.

I'm also laboring away on a 6mm napoleonic battle of Waterloo .I think I've been at it for about four years in fits and starts, but finally getting close to the end.Here's the only picture I have of the project a shot of some British hussars from Vivians brigade. They're based for the Grand Armee rules. That's all I'll post for now , I'm afraid of deleting it all again. BHS.

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